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A Prayer for Repro Shabbat (National Council of Jewish Women 2022)


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God of our ancestors, Elohei Avoteinu v’Emoteinu
We affirm that you have created each of us in Your sacred image,
endowed with the inherent right to dignity and autonomy.
We ask that you guide us towards
a caring and loving community and nation
that reveres this dignity in each of us.
We affirm that reproductive freedom—
the sacred right to own the personhood of one’s own body—
is a fundamental part of the just society
for which we strive in Your name.
We ask that you endow us with
the strength and resolve we need
because the path that lays ahead is challenging
and we all need resilience, strength and courage.
We ask that you protect
the most impacted and marginalized among us
because it is they who are most at risk.
We do this work in your name, God,
because we are the compassionate loving creations
of a compassionate, loving, and just God.
This is holy, sacred work.
May our country become a place of liberty and justice for all,
and may our care for one another
include care and respect for each other’s right
to good and affordable healthcare, including abortion care,
and the right to live safely and securely
as we each follow our path of conscience
and the God we each do or do not believe in.

“A Prayer for Repro Shabbat” was written collectively by the staff of the National Council of Jewish Women and disseminated on Twitter and Facebook 27 January 2022 with the following message:

This Shabbat, we’ll be reading the portion of the Torah that underpins Judaism’s interpretation of reproductive health, rights, and justice. Join an event near you or celebrate in your own way: https://rabbisforrepro.org/shabbat #ReproShabbat #73Forward


A Prayer for a Repro Shabbat (NCJW 2022)


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